• Bygger fremtiden gjennom et innovativt og digitalt kompetent sykehus

      COVID-19-pandemien har fremhevet skjørheten i helsevesenet, men også helsepersonellets motstandsdyktighet. 

      For å bedre ruste helsearbeidere for krisesituasjoner og pasientorientert omsorg, har en europeisk arbeidsgruppe opprettet #e-Hospital4Future-prosjektet. Prosjektet har som mål å tilby opplæringsmoduler for helsepersonell som kombinerer myke ferdigheter, tekniske ferdigheter og digitale ferdigheter, inkludert emosjonell motstandskraft og digitale ferdigheter som blir relevante i krisesituasjoner. 

      Målet er å øke internasjonalt samarbeid innen helse, styrke nasjonale helsesystemer gjennom utvikling av digitale verktøy og tjenester, og forbedre ferdighetene til klinisk og ikke-klinisk helsepersonell på europeisk nivå.

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    • Press

      International conference at Paula Stradiņš Clinical University Hospital Showcases Future of Digital Healthcare

      On September 17 and 18, 2024, the Paula Stradiņš Clinical University Hospital hosted the international conference “Innovations and Digital Technologies in Healthcare.” This event was part of the European Union Health Program project e-Hospital4Future. 

      Leading European specialists in digital health and Latvian experts presented training programs on digital healthcare solutions and innovative treatments.

      Workshop at IEEE Melecon 2024 conference in Portugal

      IEEE MELECON 2024 was a hub of innovation and collaboration, and we're very happy to be invited to present and gather insight. IEEE Melecon is a major international forum presenting design methodologies, techniques, and experimental results in emerging electro-technologies. It is one of the flagship conferences of the IEEE Region 8 - the largest region of IEEE including Europe, Africa, and Middle East.

      Feedback is in - Norwegian Nurses overwhelmingly positive to the module “AI4Nurses”

      Feedback from both clinical and non-clinical staff about the workshops and training sessions conducted in Latvia, Portugal, and Norway has been collected.

      In the "AI4Nurses" workshop held in Norway, 41 dedicated nurses participated and their feedback was overwhelmingly positive.The nurses expressed a need for more practical training and less emphasis on the technical aspects of digital technologies.

      News timeline

    • Consortium

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    • Consortium

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    • Work Package Leaders

      Ana Madureira

      ISEP, Portugal (Project coordinator)

      Ivone Silva

      CHUdSA, Portugal

      Santi Fort

      Eurecat, Spain

      Doriana M. D’Addona

      UNINA, Italia

      Berit Irene Helgheim

      HiMolde, Norway

      Luís Lapão

      UNL, Portugal

      Ilze Āboliņa

      PSKUS, Latvia

      Sharona Vonck

      PXL, Belgium

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