Comprehensive Patient's Health Management

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The caregiver in general, and specifically, General Practitioners (GPs) and its teams, will upskill basic and specific skills to face the digitalization, within a consumer experience approach for patient-centeredness, including skills and aptitude for patient communication, data analysis, computer literacy, medical devices compatibility, data protection programs, mobile applications, security & privacy (e.g. GDPR), cloud storage, surfing internet, and the ability to read, understand and forward information using a smart devices.

This training Course aims at preparing the GPs to this paradigm shift, paving the way to a digital general medicine care, able to access and use digital patients' records, patients reported outcomes in mobile apps. “On Job” training is recommended.


This course has 2 Modules, 6 Sessions (to be organized according to the specific requests of the hospitals, either on place or online). The Sessions description is:

  • Module 1:
    • Session 1: Introduction to the new regulatory changes affecting the health care assistance around Europe (e.g., GDPR and EHDS regulation that will enter into force).
    • Session 2: Digital Public Health Basic principles on IoMT (Internet of Medical Things) and how telemedicine is changing the healthcare assistance (and interaction with patients). Drones in Public health.
    • Session 3: Enhancement of patients' profiles given the additional digital information gathered from wearables, connected medical devices (including the potential use of Alerts, Chatbots, AI-powered tools).
  • Module 2:
    • Session 4: Evidence-based decision-making systems in Public Health emergencies.
    • Session 5: Digital Patients Records, storage, and use of Electronic Patients Health Data as a sensitive information to be protected in the Public Health daily activities and the potential for research. Project Exercise.
    • Session 6: Situation Rooms and Smart Cities in the context of Public Health, Collaboration with Hospitals and Primary Care. Hands-on exercise. Course assessment.

Each session will have a short survey (continuous); the final hands-on exercise. Course final assessment.



Luís Lapão


Luís Lapão