De toekomst bouwen door middel van een innovatief en digitaal bekwaam ziekenhuis
De COVID-19-pandemie heeft de kwetsbaarheid van zorgstelsels benadrukt, maar ook de veerkracht van zorgprofessionals.
Om zorgmedewerkers beter uit te rusten voor crisissituaties en patiëntgerichte zorg, heeft een Europese taskforce het project #e-Hospital4Future opgezet. Het project heeft tot doel opleidingsmodules aan te bieden voor zorgprofessionals, waarin sociale vaardigheden, technische vaardigheden en digitale vaardigheden worden gecombineerd, waaronder emotionele veerkracht en digitale vaardigheden die relevant worden in crisissituaties.
Het doel is om de internationale samenwerking op het gebied van gezondheid te bevorderen, de nationale gezondheidssystemen te versterken door de ontwikkeling van digitale tools en diensten, en de vaardigheden van klinische en niet-klinische zorgprofessionals op Europees niveau te verbeteren.
On site events
Conference: Healthcare processes based on Innovations and Digital Technologies
January 29th and 30th at 11:00 (Registration at 10:45)
Hospital AOU Federico II, via Pansini 5, 80131, Naples (NA), Italy, Building 14
Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation: Evolution, Teamwork, and Methodology
February 24th at 9:00 am
Santo Antonio Porto, Portugal
Workshop: Easy use of virtual reality and augmented reality for Lifelong Learning in Healthcare
On December 3-4, 10:00 AM at Paula Stradiņš Clinical University in Riga, Latvia, lecturer Joachim Gregoor will introduce virtual, augmented, and mixed reality tools for healthcare education. Sessions cover creating VR using 360° video and AR using 3D models and Fectar.com to enhance healthcare workers' lifelong learning experiences.
International conference at Paula Stradiņš Clinical University Hospital Showcases Future of Digital Healthcare
On September 17 and 18, 2024, the Paula Stradiņš Clinical University Hospital hosted the international conference “Innovations and Digital Technologies in Healthcare.” This event was part of the European Union Health Program project e-Hospital4Future.
Leading European specialists in digital health and Latvian experts presented training programs on digital healthcare solutions and innovative treatments.
Workshop at IEEE Melecon 2024 conference in Portugal
IEEE MELECON 2024 was a hub of innovation and collaboration, and we're very happy to be invited to present and gather insight. IEEE Melecon is a major international forum presenting design methodologies, techniques, and experimental results in emerging electro-technologies. It is one of the flagship conferences of the IEEE Region 8 - the largest region of IEEE including Europe, Africa, and Middle East.
If you already have an account, please log in to enrol in modules from the catalogue.
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If this is your first time using the platform and you want to take a module, please check the catalog below.
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To enrol in a module, you must first sign up to the platform.
Training Modules
T4.1 Comprehensive PATIENTS’ Health Management
Coming soon
Target users: General Practitioners, Caregivers, Train the trainers.
Protocol icons created by Flat Icons - FlaticonT4.2 Data driven healthcare
Coming soon
Target users: General medicine, Specialists, Train the trainers.
Health check icons created by Eucalyp - FlaticonT4.3 Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygnation: Evolution, Teamwork, and Methodology
Coming soon
T4.4 Testing and programming pacemakers / heart stimulators: cardiac pacemakers
Coming soon
T4.5 Emerging AI/mixed reality/simulation use in health care in specialized medicine
Coming soon
T4.6 Automated decision support in healthcare and clinical settings
Beta version
Target users: Specialized Medical Doctors and their assistants (To be defined), Laboratory Staff and Personnel.
Healthcare device icons created by Smashicons - FlaticonT4.7 Leadership and teamwork in nursing
Beta version
T4.8 Patients’ follow up
Beta version
Target users: Nurses, General Practitioners.
Health monitor icons created by Freepik - FlaticonT4.9 Patients triage based on digital tools
Beta version
Target users: Nurses, Emergency Nurses, General Medicine, Primary Care Physician.
Health icons created by Aranagraphics - FlaticonComing soon
Target users: Nurses, Home Care, Train the Trainers.
Life insurance icons created by Dimas Anom - FlaticonT4.11 Digital skills in everyday in-patient care
Beta version
T4.12 Evidence based nursing by using AI
Coming soon
Target users: Nurses, Train the Trainers.
Data science icons created by Freepik - FlaticonT4.13 Long-term care (LTC) transformation
Beta version
Target users: Non-clinical Staff; Nurses, GP.
Robotic hand icons created by Flowicon - FlaticonT4.14 Evidence-based decision tools for public health
Coming soon
Target users: Non-clinical Staff.
Aplicación médica iconos creados por prettycons - FlaticonT4.15 Emotional intelligence & Stress Handling
Coming soon
Target users: Non-clinical Staff, Train the Trainers.
Mental health icons created by Freepik - FlaticonT4.16 Primary care transformation
Coming soon
Target users: GP, Nurses, Non-clinical Staff, Train the Trainers.
Icon created by Flat Icons - FlaticonT4.17 Digitalization of management processes & Innovation in everyday processes
Beta version
Target users: Non-clinical and Clinical Staff, Train the Trainers.
Computer screen icons created by justicon - FlaticonT4.19 Optimizing Digital Acceptance in Resistant Healthcare professionals
Beta version
T4.1 Comprehensive PATIENTS’ Health Management
Coming soon
Target users: General Practitioners, Caregivers, Train the trainers.
T4.6 Automated decision support in healthcare and clinical settings
Beta version
Target users: Specialized Medical Doctors and their assistants (To be defined), Laboratory Staff and Personnel.
T4.7 Leadership and teamwork in nursing
Beta version
Target users: Nurses, Head Nurses.
T4.11 Digital skills in everyday in-patient care
Beta version
Target users: Nurses, Train the Trainers.
T4.12 Evidence based nursing by using AI
Coming soon
Target users: Nurses, Train the Trainers.
T4.13 Long-term care (LTC) transformation
Beta version
Target users: Non-clinical Staff; Nurses, GP.
T4.15 Emotional intelligence & Stress Handling
Coming soon
Target users: Non-clinical Staff, Train the Trainers.
T4.16 Primary care transformation
Coming soon
Target users: GP, Nurses, Non-clinical Staff, Train the Trainers.
T4.17 Digitalization of management processes & Innovation in everyday processes
Beta version
Target users: Non-clinical and Clinical Staff, Train the Trainers.
T4.19 Optimizing Digital Acceptance in Resistant Healthcare professionals
Beta version
T4.2 Data driven healthcare
Coming soon
Target users: General medicine, Specialists, Train the trainers.
T4.4 Practical courses for testing and programming pacemakers / heart stimulators
Coming soon
T4.5 Emerging AI/mixed reality/simulation use in health care in specialized medicine
Coming soon
T4.9 Patients triage based on digital tools
Beta version
Target users: Nurses, Emergency Nurses, General Medicine, Primary Care Physician.
T4.14 Evidence-based decision tools for public health
Coming soon
Target users: Non-clinical Staff.
T4.1 Comprehensive PATIENTS’ Health Management
Coming soon
Target users: General Practitioners, Caregivers, Train the trainers.
T4.2 Data driven healthcare
Coming soon
Target users: General medicine, Specialists, Train the trainers.
T4.5 Emerging AI/mixed reality/simulation use in health care in specialized medicine
Coming soon
T4.6 Automated decision support in healthcare and clinical settings
Beta version
Target users: Specialized Medical Doctors and their assistants (To be defined), Laboratory Staff and Personnel.
T4.9 Patients triage based on digital tools
Beta version
Target users: Nurses, Emergency Nurses, General Medicine, Primary Care Physician.
T4.11 Digital skills in everyday in-patient care
Beta version
Target users: Nurses, Train the Trainers.
T4.12 Evidence based nursing by using AI
Coming soon
Target users: Nurses, Train the Trainers.
T4.14 Evidence-based decision tools for public health
Coming soon
Target users: Non-clinical Staff.
T4.16 Primary care transformation
Coming soon
Target users: GP, Nurses, Non-clinical Staff, Train the Trainers.
T4.17 Digitalization of management processes & Innovation in everyday processes
Beta version
Target users: Non-clinical and Clinical Staff, Train the Trainers.
T4.19 Optimizing Digital Acceptance in Resistant Healthcare professionals
Beta version
Work Package Leaders
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie. De uitingen en meningen zijn echter alleen die van de auteur(s) en weerspiegelen niet noodzakelijkerwijs die van de Europese Unie of de Gezondheids- en Digitale Uitvoeringsagentschap (HaDEA). Noch de Europese Unie, noch de toekennende autoriteit kan verantwoordelijk worden gehouden voor hen.