Optimizing Digital Acceptance in Resistant Healthcare professionals
Acceptance of technological advances is crucial for successful implementation. People may show resistance to the digital turnaround in an organization. In this module we teach the trainer to deal with resistance and learn how to apply strategies to overcome resistance. We also provide insight into the building blocks of digital competences. One must first have a foundation of digital literacy before one can proceed to more specialized subject-specific digital skills. The UTAUT-theory (Venkatesh et al., 2003) identifies the key components in the acceptance and use of technology.
The course has 6 modules and 6-8 sessions (on site or online). Each module consists of a theoretical part and a series of applied exercises.
- Digital transformation in healthcare
- Building blocks of digital competences
- Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT)
- Innovation theory
- Recognizing resistance
- Dealing with resistance: The use of strategies to overcome resistance
Hanne Westhovens
Isabel Kortleven
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